August 21, 2017 - Total Eclipse In North Carolina
Here at Country Girl's RV park we had the wonderful privilege to be in the path of totality.
With record numbers of people coming into the area. We at Country Girl's RV Park had a full house with standing room only. It was amazing to see the Eclipse and share it with everyone.
Eclipse Facts
- The width of the path of totality was 71 miles across NC
- The central line covered the distance of 42 miles across NC
- The duration of totality was 2.38 minutes across NC
- The average speed of the Moon's shadow was 1452 mph across NC
Before the Eclipse in August 21,2017 the last two total solar eclipses that were visible from NC were March 7, 1970 and May 28, 1900. The next two total solar eclipses that will be visible from NC will be May 11, 2078 and September 14, 2099
Theses are just a few of the breathtaking pictures captured here at Country Girl's RV Park.